WYSS is specialized in manufacturing all-weathersnow machines and turnkey solutions to cover abroad range of needs for snow-related activities.
By creative innovation, WYSS offers the user the bestvariety solutions saving in energy, efficiency, quality,water recycling. Our professional support team caresabout your project , simulating natural environmentin snow mountain area, bring visitors the ice andsnow athletes immersive experience and unparalleled excitement.
WYSS snow machine is container pre-assembled inthe factory, easy to ship and install. All WYSS ma-chines are equipped with an ice crushing system(ICS), a snowmaking process using crushed ice pro-jected to guarantee high-quality, additive-free snow.When the environment temperature is below -3℃, the ICS system can be replaced by an optional snow gunsolution to increase snow output and save energy.
The most proud product of WYSS is SNOW PACSOLUTION, which doesn't require the special con-struction in mountain area. We only need to con-nection to the clean water supply, like urban net-work. Meanwhile the SNOW PAC will generate thehot water for building heating,swimming pool,shower,kitchen that will enormously reduce thepower consumption for the estate owner.